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Un efffective tag also consume contributed Ad point.

It is important select tag. minimum and effectively. (During Ad contribution)

Thus, before ranking entry trial, Ad point consuming tags are selected and moved.

Tag Added
期待の新人 (Expected New Creator)
MikuPOP   (common tag for general Vocaloid)
ボカロオリジナル曲 (Vocaloid Original song)

tantatively removed tag  from Japanese page. (moved to English view page of Nico Nico video page).

since there is not in Web dictionaly (Nico Nico Dictionaly 百科事典=百)

Unefffective tag also consume contributed Ad point
It is important select tag. minimun and effectively. (During Ad contribution)

Contributed Ad point before  May 7 was about 27000, 30000

播放415留言11清單11廣告35,400pt Ad22900-=投入:2018-5-7 20am:152位:100圏外位+2,651未満:時間暫定圏外:総合圏外:am data


Someone put Ad from May6 (Between 6AM of May 6 and 6AM of May 7) , About 3000-5000pt, Then, May 6 was in Best 152.

Rank in trial for May 7.

再生524コメ36マイ13広告88,500pt Ad~70000=~45000投入:2018-5-8 0am:152位:100圏外位+21,938:時間暫定5位:総合圏外:0:10am data

About 45000 Ad points are contributed.

From 0 AM of May 8,

再生558コメ36マイ14広告90,200pt Ad~78000=~50000投入:2018-5-8 1am:152位:100圏外位+22,581:時間暫定5位:総合32位:1:10am data

再生602コメ38マイ17広告92,000pt Ad79500=~50000投入:2018-5-8 2am:152位:100圏外位+22,100:時間暫定5位:総合32位:2:10am data

再生621コメ38マイ17広告92,000pt Ad79500=~50000投入:2018-5-8 3am:152位:100圏外位+22,426:時間暫定4位:総合30位:3:10am data

About 50000 Ad points are contributed within 24 hours..

再生630コメ38マイ17広告92,000pt Ad79500=~50000投入:2018-5-8 4am:152位:100圏外位+22,426:時間暫定4位:総合30位4:10am data

再生636コメ38マイ17広告92,000pt Ad79500=~50000投入:2018-5-8 5am:152位:100圏外位+22,456:時間暫定4位:総合30位5:10am data

再生645コメ50マイ17広告92,600pt Ad79500=~50000投入:2018-5-8 6am:152位:100圏外位+22,470:時間暫定4位:総合30位6:10am data (Main Point data for rank determination)

Total score :+22,470:


Vocaloid Daily Ranking of Each Hour. http://www.nicovideo.jp/ranking/fav/daily/vocaloid

再生670コメ50マイ17広告92,600pt Ad79500=~50000投入:2018-5-8 8am:4位:+22,470:時間暫定4位:総合34位8:10am data (estimate included)

再生1,024コメ50マイ21広告95,100pt Ad82600=2500投入:2018-5-8 20am:4位:+18,681:時間暫定4位:総合30位 20:10am data

再生1,093コメ51マイ21広告95,100pt Ad82600=2500投入:2018-5-8 22am:4位:+11,900:時間暫定8位:総合69位 22:10am data 再生1,141コメ52マイ21広告95,100pt Ad82600=2500投入:2018-5-8 23am:4位:+11,900:時間暫定10位:総合69位 23:10am data

再生1,233コメ52マイ23広告96,200pt Ad82600=1100投入:2018-5-9 23am:135位:+2,480未満:時間暫定圏外:総合圏外 22:10am data

Even active Ad points indicate  about 70000-80000pt, actually effective Ad point was 1100 points on 2018-5-9 23pm.

Contributed Ad point is effective only 24 hours for total score calculation.

After the rank in to best 100, many people can view from Top 100 ranking page to watch video by clicking.

When I tried to make a page for 奇蹟 Miracle in Vocaloid wiki


I made


But, one Admin 


change page and title page name whithin 30 min to.

奇蹟 (Qíjī)

He aslo add Pinyin:



He is American Chinese person according to his introduction page.

There are about 7 Admin in Vocaloid Wiki (English)


Breakdown list of changes

  • For starters, for foreign language titles utilizing characters, we almost never, never, name the page by its English translation, even if it's an official English name. They are always titled by the characters plus it's romanization (in this example "奇蹟 (Qíjī)", not "Miracle(奇蹟)"). It would only be ordered as romanized -> characters if it's an album page, which this is not.
  • Disambiguation: Added because there is another page with the name "Miracle" as an official title.


I apeal to chnage back or use Miracle insead of (Qíjī) to Admin NebulousViper as follows:

Since you changed the page title to
奇蹟 Miracle


奇蹟 (Qíjī)

It is very difficult to read and use for Japanese and English people,
when this article is introduced to other Website.

(Qíjī) is not English nor Japanese.
It is impossible to read title (Qíjī) by English and Japanese user,

●Could you just change back to original URL address please?

Official Japanese is :奇蹟 Miracle

as written in Nico Nico video too.

【心華 Xin_Hua】奇蹟 Miracle【中国語オリジナル曲】 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32704867

As written in Nico Nico video page, Japanese traslation of this song is in progress.

Original page
(easy to read title for English, Japanese user too)

Miracle(奇蹟) http://vocaloid.wikia.com/wiki/Miracle(%E5%A5%87%E8%B9%9F)

奇蹟 (Qíjī) http://vocaloid.wikia.com/wiki/%E5%A5%87%E8%B9%9F_(Q%C3%ADj%C4%AB)

Very difficult or impossible to read title by English and Japanese user,

奇蹟 is relatvely/very old Japanese. Thus, it need some kind of assistive word such as Miracle.
There is 奇跡 which is also similar confusing Japnese word.


if original chinese titile is required to put in first could you please named the page name as



In addition, if URL is introduced in other websits,
Short URL is better.

In Nico Nico Video, it requre very short URL address, due to only 999 bite total page limit for Video.

For example, sm12345678 is shortcut to reduce number of letter to under 999 bites.



seems too long URL letters.

Could you able to think and change back or improve please?

I would like you thank you in advence for your kind considerations.


Unfortunately, I can't change the page name from "Qíjī". The song is written and sung in Mandarin Chinese, so the title page must follow that. It would have been completely different if the song title was written strictly in English only (like Scarlet Drop or Journey), but it isn't. It cannot be written as "奇蹟 Miracle" either as "奇蹟" is not a word of foreign origin for "Miracle" (like it would be for 러시안 룰렛 (Russian Roulette), えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ (Electric Angel), 欧菲香 (Old Fashion)). It's how our song page guidelines work, sorry. :(

Thus, not changed yet so far.

In order to avoid Wiki editing argument, I stoped editing that page.

Admin has power to decide what they want to maintain in theair wiki.

1) Can you check the Chiniese lyric is correct? Since I just copied from the post in BiliBili.

2) Can you check Pinyin is also correct?

3) In order to fit Vocaloid wiki's guidance this  video title may need to shown (even during wiki making time)

Miracle (奇蹟): Best choice
((Miracle /奇蹟))
English title comes first.
otherwise, 奇蹟 (Qíjī) still remain in Vocaloid Wiki.

For international distribution of the video,
What is your opinion?

5) If you are editing Wikia  Website, or Vocaloid Wiki. do NOT make the same nickname as producer name. Admin of Vocaloid Wiki basically, don't want contribution  by Producer itself to their own related thing.

There are good example of translation of video.  Translation is in Closed Caption (CC) in YouTube. This video has over 10 different languages translation in Closed Caption.

Mitchie M
ぶれないアイで (Burenai Ai de)

ぶれないアイで (Burenai Ai de)

ビバハピ (Viva Happy)

Follosing song page is good example, including translation page in Nico Nico Video.

魔法旋律』HoneyWorks feat.心華

This Nico Nico video has 3 different translation pages in each language. There is no page space (999bite) for lyrics.

魔法旋律 (Mófǎ Xuánlǜ) :Magic Melody

There is Chinese lyrics  and

